
戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 創意爆炸!類型大賞


Perfect Game

2011│DCP│彩色│127 分│


朴熙坤Yim Soonrye《秘門交易醜聞》

曹承佑Cho Seung-Woo《馬拉松小子》《緣起不滅》《老千》
楊東根Yang Dong-Geun《賽馬甜心》《收件人不詳》《愛情OK繃》
崔貞媛Choi Jung-Won《家有七公主》《摘星星給我》
馬東錫Ma Dong-Seok《跨樂心天堂》《闇黑新世界》《玩物》《與犯罪的戰爭》《痛症》《人類滅亡報告書》
趙鎮雄Jo Chan-Hyung《高地戰》《嫌疑犯X》《與犯罪的戰爭》《松藥局的兒子們》


► 改編自真人實事,韓國職棒史上最撼動人心的傳奇對決故事!
► 高潮球賽場面緊扣人心,令觀眾熱血沸騰、齊聲吶喊!開創運動勵志類型電影又一劃時代經典
►【馬拉松小子】【緣起不滅】大鐘賞影帝 曹承佑 退伍後重返影壇演技登峰代表作
► 上映後再掀韓國棒球熱潮,進場人次突破 150 萬大關


▒  劇情介紹 ▒
在充滿動盪與激情的80年代,棒球被韓國國民視為國球,國民透過賽場上的熱絡氣氛來營造國家自強之夢。1987年5月16日,一場球賽改變了兩個男人的命運:一個是因努力不懈而成為全國知名投手的崔東原(曹承佑 飾),另一個是後起之秀天才投手宣銅烈(梁東根 飾)。兩人既是充滿友情的前後輩,有時又是不得不狹路相逢的場上敵手。這場職棒史上的傳奇之戰最後究竟誰勝誰負?

Choi Dong-Won (Cho Seung-Woo) signed with the Korean professional baseball team Lotte Giants in 1983. Sun Dong-Ryul (Yang Dong-Geun) signed with the Korean professional baseball team Haitai Tigers in 1985. Choi Dong-Won is driven by the desire to become the best pitcher in South Korea. Sun Dong-Ryul is a rising pitcher, blessed with natural talent. Baseball fans and the media are all obsessed with who is the better pitcher. Their teams, however, are reluctant to have their ace pitchers face off against each other due to the insane amount of pressure that would fall on them. The Korean government uses the pitchers for the own political reasons. The two top pitchers also have their own problems. Choi Dong-Won suffers from a shoulder injury, while also feeling like he is now cast behind the shadows of Sun Dong-Ryul. Meanwhile, Sun Dong-Ryul also struggles to overcome the presence of Choi Dong-Won and to become the best pitcher. The two pitchers then face off in an epic 15 inning marathon on May 16, 1987.


▒  電影預告 ▒




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