戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 創意爆炸!類型大賞
South Bound
2013│DCP│彩色│121 分│
林順利Yim Soonrye《與牛同行》
金允錫Kim Yun-Seok《神偷大劫案》《追擊者》《老千》
吳妍秀Oh Yeon-Su《壞男人》《反恐任務2》
金成均Kim Sung-Kyun《偉大的隱藏者》《諜影殺機》《與犯罪的戰爭》
韓藝禮Han Ye-Ri《同窗生》《朝鮮夢之隊》
► 改編自日本暢銷作家 奧田英朗 同名經典作品
► 描寫反體制、反政府、反財團、反主流的抗爭人生,幽默熱血又發人深省的上乘勵志喜劇
►【追擊者】【神偷大劫案】青龍獎影帝 金允錫 首度自編自演,演技爆發力全開新作
▒ 劇情介紹 ▒
本片根據日本作家奧田英朗的同名原作改編。已屆中年的崔海甲(金允石 飾)是一個超級憤世嫉俗的大叔級導演,他質疑一切國家政策,嘲笑球迷四年一度爆發的愛國熱情,指責政府剝削民脂民膏。他的乖張舉止雖然得到妻子(吳妍秀 飾)的包容,卻也給家人帶來不少麻煩,家中小店也鮮少有人光顧,隨著來自周遭的壓力和排擠越來越大,他決定帶著家人到南方小島展開全新生活。隨後得知小島即將被政府賣給大企業作為私用,為了清新的空氣與自由的人生,老憤青崔海甲的民主自由奮鬥史可沒這麼簡單就結束!
Choi Hae-Kab (Kim Yun-Seok) is a middle-aged man who still stays true to his leftist ideology gleaned from his student activist days. As a director of film documentaries, Choi Hae-Kab’s subject matter covers the dark side of South Korean society. Meanwhile, as a father of two children and a husband, he has his unique way getting along with his family. For examples, he doesn’t allow his kids watching TV, he doesn't care if they attend their classes, and he even doesn't panic when his son runs away from home. One day, when going back to his hometown Deul Island, Choi Hae-Kab realizes that the island is recently going to be sold by the government to a large enterprise as a resort area. Choi Hae-Kab soon decides to fight for his hometown!
▒ 電影預告 ▒