風起雲湧日韓巨星映畫祭SSIII 年度經典。好評再現
彩色| DCP | 89min
上映日期:11/28 – 12/11
金基德Kim Ki-Duk《空屋情人》《春去春又來》《聖殤》《收件人不詳》
李恩宇Lee Eun-Woo《百萬生存遊戲》《神的禮物》
曹在顯Cho Jae-Hyun《只愛陌生人》《逆麟》《鋼琴》《嶄新的心》
徐英洙Seo Young-Joo《少年犯》《霜花店》《是否聽見我的心》
►【殘酷舞台】【春去春又來】【援交天使】橫掃國際三大影展大獎名導 金基德
►聳動入選 威尼斯影展 正式競賽
►金基德 繼威尼斯得獎鉅作【空屋情人】【聖殤】後,再探現代男女情慾關係中 最禁忌灰暗的因果輪迴
►韓國一度遭電檢禁映 國際完整版首度在台呈現
▒ 劇情介紹 ▒
妻子得知了丈夫(曹在顯 飾)出軌的事實,而兒子(徐英洙 飾)則目睹了父親和開雜貨鋪老闆娘(李恩宇 飾)在車內雲雨的香豔場面。悲憤交加的妻子想要閹割熟睡中的丈夫未果,被憤怒沖昏了頭腦的她遂將屠刀指向了兒子,慘叫聲中,一個家庭徹底破碎了,丈夫將兒子送往了醫院,妻子離家出走不知所蹤。 時光飛逝,拖著殘缺的身體,兒子慢慢長大,性格卻也逐漸扭曲。多年後,兒子找到了父親當年的情人,兩人之間開始產生了的病態的曖昧情愫…
Consumed with hatred against her husband for his long infidelity, the wife takes revenge against the husband but only inflicting a fatal wound to the son, and then disappears with guilt. For the son who has become miserable because of himself, the husband tries, only to realize that it is not recoverable, so he cuts off his manhood which is the source of all the misery and dedicates himself entirely for his son. As a result, the wound somewhat recovers, but when the wife returns home one day, the family is driven towards a more horrific destruction.