戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 夏戀專題。約會首選(全台首映)
Hot Young Bloods
2013│DCP│彩色│121 分│
李延宇Lee Yeon-Woo
李鍾碩Lee Jong-Suk《屏息》《觀相大師:滅王風暴》《學校2013》
朴寶英Park Bo-Young《狼少年:不朽的愛》《急速醜聞》
金英光Kim Young-Kwang《我們結婚吧》《拜託小姐》
李世英Lee Se-Young《大長今》
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影片以八十年代的韓國忠清道洪城為背景,講述了一群高中少男少女青澀卻真摯,又笑淚縱橫的熱血故事。英淑(朴寶英 飾)是忠清道一帶有名的大姐大,卻傾心於洪城高中知名的花心大少忠吉(李鍾碩 飾),同時,木訥的問題少年光植(金英光 飾)則喜歡對他無動於衷的英淑。一天,為了修養肺病從首爾轉學而來的氣質美女素熙(李世英 飾)出現在他們面前,不僅引起了全校一連串的騷動,花心的忠吉更是立刻展開殷勤追求,就連原本暗戀英淑的光植也開始悄悄接近素熙了。為了爭奪素熙的關注,忠吉與光植甚至大打出手,此時大姐大英淑終於下定決心站出來表明自己的心意!
As the leader of a group of young gang girls in high School, Young-sook (Park Bo-young) is known for her toughness and bad temper. However, she secretly has a crush on Joong-gil (Lee Jong-suk), the biggest playboy in school. Joong-gil is a legendary “Casanova” whose single glance has the ability to melt all girls' hearts, and he's attempted to woo all the girls at school, except for Young-sook. On day, a beautiful transfer student (Lee Se-young) from Seoul arrives at their high school, and Joong-gil falls for her instantly. The jealous Young-sook then raises series of troubles to prevent her new rival from encroaching on her secret crush…
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