
戀夏時刻 日韓巨星映畫祭SSII 夏戀專題。約會首選(全台首映)


Mr. Perfect

2014│DCP│彩色│109 分│


金明均Kim Myung-Kyun

尹施允Yoon Si-Yoon《麵包王金卓求》《鄰家花美男》《歡樂滿屋》
呂珍九Yeo Jin-Goo《擁抱太陽的月亮》《兄妹情深》《老千》《一枝梅》
千浩振Cheon Ho-Jin《愛情萬萬歲》《同伊》《惡鄰拼圖》

► 繼【屏息】【B咖大翻身】後韓國影壇再攀勵志青春喜劇新巔峰!
► 號召兩大新世代當紅男星:【麵包王金卓求】 韓劇收視小天王 尹施允 v.s. 【擁抱太陽的月亮】本屆青龍獎最佳新演員得主 呂珍九 同場較勁喜感演技與帥氣魅力
► 今夏勢必風靡無數少女與師奶影迷的陽光動人傑作!



▒  劇情介紹 ▒
白世鎮(尹施允 飾)是天賦異稟的年輕高爾夫選手,擊敗眾多老手贏得各大球賽。年少得志的他非但沒有持續精進球技,反而因成名過早開始過起浪蕩生活,成日酗酒並周旋於愛慕他的女孩之間。直至某一天他因酒醉發生車禍,甚至重傷導致失去嗓音,名聲與事業也因失控行徑隨即聲勢下滑。失去名聲與聲音的他只能到偏遠地區的小學當代課老師,孰不知這是一所因資金不足即將倒閉的學校。全校師生希望透過贏得一場學生高爾夫球賽獲得重建學校的經費,白世鎮究竟能不能拯救這所小學,又會與當地純樸的學子們產生怎樣的友情變化呢?

Baek Se-Jin (Yoon Si-Yoon) is an amazingly talented golf player who wins numerous tournaments. Due to his early successfulness, his life spirals completely out of control. Instead of practicing, Baek Se-Jin spends his time drinking and spending money on girls which leads to his career quickly going downhill. Until one day, a serious car incident causes him no longer able to speak. After the accident, Baek Se-Jin moves to a small island by an invitation from an elementary school principle to work as a temporary golf teacher. He finds out that the school is on the brink of being shut down, only if the children participate in an upcoming junior golf tournament and pass the preliminary round can the school be saved. Baek Se-Jin tries to get off the island immediately, but the kids and residents are able to persuade him to stay…


▒  電影預告 ▒



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